Kalle Strålman ☢️

A tech hobbyist's guide to the galaxy.

Protohackers - 1: Prime Time

Created: 2022-10-09

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This is the second entry of a series that cover solutions to the Protohackers challenges. I choose to solve the first problem (Smoke test/TCP echo server) using x86_64 assembly. For my sanity I won't solve this one that way.. and you'll soon realise why (Hint: Because it requires JSON string parsing).

Onwards to the problem itself! This post will cover "Problem 1: Prime time". A full description of this problem can be found here. The task is to write a simple JSON Web API backend that handles one very specific request. Checking if a number is prime or not. Example of a correctly formatted request: {"method":"isPrime","number":123} which should yield the response {"method":"isPrime","prime":false}. More details about what a correctly formatted request is and how to handle malformed requests in the next section. The same rule applies from the previous problem; The server should be able to handle multiple TCP clients simultaneously and can be written in whatever language you see fit. Now you might understand why I prefer not to do this in assembly. If you're still not 100% convinced please feel free to solve it that way yourself. Anyways, I choose to solve this problem using Rust since I've promised myself to do learn Rust for a while now. It also seemed like a good idea to me now when even the Linux kernel has started to get a little rusty.

In summary, this blog post will cover the following topics:

  • TCP server in Rust handling multiple clients simultaneously
  • JSON parsing in Rust (I "cheated" and used a lib)

Hopefully you will get a better understanding of these topics after reading this blog post or at least found some of the content interesting!

Resource links:

The full source code can be found on github - here.

Note: My solution does not fully implement error handling and things as "gRaCEfuLLy eXiTinG tHreAds".

JSON request/response protocol

The problem description states: A conforming request object has the required field method, which must always contain the string " isPrime", and the required field number, which must contain a number. Any JSON number is a valid number, including floating-point values. [...] Extraneous fields are to be ignored.

From the explanation above we can conclude that these are valid:

  "method": "isPrime",
  "number": 123
  "number": 123,
  "method": "isPrime"
} // ordering does not matter
  "method": "isPrime",
  "number": 123.123
} // floats are valid numbers
  "method": "isPrime",
  "number": 123,
  "ignore": "me"
} // extra fields are ignored

But prime numbers are whole numbers so how do we handle floats? This should have been stated in the problem description but is not mentioned anywhere. There are a number of different ways of handling the decimals in the float:

  • Respond with "prime":false for all floats
  • Round down/up and handle the resulting whole number
  • Truncate and handle the resulting whole number

This line in the description is also important to consider: Each request is a single line containing a JSON object, terminated by a newline character (' ', or ASCII 10).

Then we also have to consider what a malformed request is and obviously a malformed request is a request that does not fulfill all the requirements to be a well-formed valid request:

  "method": "isPrime"
} // a required field is missing
  "method": "isPrime",
  "number": "123"
} // number is a string
  "method": "isPrime",
  "number": 123 // missing end braces
  "mEtHoD": "isPrime",
  "nUmBer": 123
} // ..you get it
//... and so on

Whenever you receive a malformed request, send back a single malformed response, and disconnect the client. I chose to respond with {} which is a malformed response since it does not contain the required response fields "method":"isPrime" and "prime":true/false.

Three examples of sessions with request/response:

// [x:y]
// x is the session number
// y is the message number

// [1:1] request from client
  "method": "isPrime",
  "number": 123

// [1:2] response from server
  "method": "isPrime",
  "prime": false

// [2:1] request from client
  "method": "isPrime",
  "number": 2

// [2:2] response from server
  "method": "isPrime",
  "prime": true

// [3:1] malformed request from client
  "method": "isPrime"

// [3:2] response from server

Handle JSON request/response

Now the JSON protocol is defined and eager to be parsed. So for this I started writing a rudimentory JSON parser and quickly gave up... Then I found a JSON parsing crate for Rust that relieved me from the pain of implementing one myself (this one). For those non-rusty folks out there ( including me) a crate is a library that can be imported either from disk or from a crate registry.

Here's the function that I wrote to parse a JSON request. I added some extra comments for clarity.

enum Method {

// empty struct for error handling
struct ProtocolMalformed;

fn parse_json(json: &str) -> Result<Method, ProtocolMalformed> {
    let parse = json::parse(&json);
    // json::parse is very convenient where every field gets assigned
    // its own key in an object.
    if let Ok(data) = parse {
        // check if any of the required fields are missing
        if data["method"].is_null() || data["number"].is_null() {
            return Err(ProtocolMalformed);

        // make sure that the method is set to a valid string, in this case "isPrime"
        if let Some(x) = data["method"].as_str() {
            match x {
                "isPrime" => {}, // allowed
                _ => return Err(ProtocolMalformed),
        // always handle JSON value for the number field as a float..
        if let Some(x) = data["number"].as_f64() {
            // ..and cast it to an integer.
            // in other words: the solution to json floats is to truncate!
            return Ok(Method::IsPrime(x as i64))


Now we can test the parse_json function without including any external lib because Rust includes it right out of its cargo tool (cargo test).

    fn test_parse_json() {
        let requests = vec![
            // how should we handle this?

        let expected = vec![
            Ok(Method::IsPrime(7119040)), // oh right

        for (i, r) in requests.iter().enumerate() {
            let method = parse_json(r);
            assert!(method == expected[i]);

That is all for parsing JSON requests, what is left to handle in the JSON protocol is to form a response. The result from fn parse_json(json: &str) -> Result<Method, ProtocolMalformed> is handled:

let method = parse_json(&request_line);

match method {
  // the return value from parse_json is Result<Method, ProtocolMalformed>
  // either it is Ok -> Method or Err -> ProtocalMalformed
	Ok(m) => {
		let response = handle_response(&m);
		// TODO send successful response
	Err(_) => {
		// TODO send malformed response

The response message is created in the function fn handle_response(method: &Method) -> String and the return value is the finalized JSON string.

struct ResponseMessage {
    method_id: String, // method field value
    method_response: String, // response field value, for isPrime this is "prime"
    result: bool,

impl ResponseMessage {
    fn new() -> ResponseMessage {
        ResponseMessage {
            method_id: "".to_string(),
            method_response: "".to_string(),
            result: false,

    fn process(&mut self, method: &Method) {
        match method {
            Method::IsPrime(x) => {
                if *x < 0 {
                    self.result = false;
                } else {
                    // here we use to externa primes crate
                    self.result = primes::is_prime(*x as u64);
                self.method_id = "isPrime".into();
                self.method_response = "prime".into();
    // the actual json response is constructed here
    fn to_json_string(&self) -> String {
        return format!("{{\"method\":\"{}\",\"{}\":{}}}\n",
            self.method_id.as_str(), self.method_response.as_str(), self.result);

fn handle_response(method: &Method) -> String {
    // create response message
    let mut result = Message::new();

    // without ';' this value is returned from its scope
    //which is the return call of the function

TCP Server in Rust

What is left to do is the TCP server stuff which can be summarized into:

  • Create and bind to a socket
  • Listen for clients to connect, spawn a thread for each client that connects (very prone to DDOS attacks do not do this)
  • Assign each thread a task
  • Gracefully exit threads when done (I skip this)
const BIND_ADDR: &str = "";
const DEF_ERROR_RESP: &str = "{}";

fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind(BIND_ADDR).unwrap();

    for stream in listener.incoming() {
        let stream = stream.unwrap();
        println!("Connection established!");
        thread::spawn(|| {

handle_connection reads and parses bytes from clients and responds accordingly to the JSON protocol. Above I intentionally left out some TODOs that is implemented here, the actual reading and writing from/to TCP clients.

fn handle_connection(mut stream: TcpStream) {
    let mut buf_reader = BufReader::new(stream.try_clone().unwrap());
    let mut buf_writer = BufWriter::new(&mut stream);

    loop {
        let mut request_line = String::new();
        let num_bytes = buf_reader.read_line(&mut request_line).unwrap();
        let method = parse_json(&request_line);
        println!("Read {} bytes: {} ", num_bytes, request_line);

        if num_bytes == 0 {
        match method {
            Ok(m) => {
                let response = handle_response(&m);
                    println!("Valid json: Sending response {}", &response);
            Err(_) => {
                println!("Malformed json '{}': responding with err", request_line);
    println!("Disconnect client!");

...and that is all for this post, thanks for reading!